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5 Tips for the Newly Engaged

Top 5 Tips For the Newly Engaged

From personal experience!

It’s that time of year! Not just holiday season but….engagement season! It wasn’t all that long ago that I was in your shoes as a newly engaged fiancee! I had lots of people offer me advice but having gone through it myself, here are my top 5 tips for the newly engaged! But first, let me say this! Whenever you can, stop and celebrate! No matter how long of an engagement you two are planning on having, no matter what – it will go faster than you think! So I hope you really soak in this fun season of life that will never be back. Take a moment to really appreciate how far you’ve come together. Try not to allow “wedding planning” to completely take over your lives! Make sure you plan dates where no wedding planning talk is allowed! Now, let’s dive in to my top 5 tips!


Also, look how cute my husband and I were!!! My wedding photos were done by Studio Bash <3


Okay First up.

Remember: It’s YOUR day

Do what you want! Buck tradition! Listen to your gut and don’t let anyone tell you your day has to look or be a certain way. Find the team that supports YOUR vision and don’t look back. You won’t regret it on the wedding day.

Be smart about your wedding decor

One big tip of advice I received when planning for my own wedding was not to purchase any wedding decor until 4 months before the wedding! Your ideas and what you think you want are going to change so much so it’s best to wait until right before when you have really solid ideas of what you want. It is SO hard to wait that long but it is worth it in the long run when you’re not wasting money on items you won’t end up using.

Also, be sure to join your local wedding flea market Facebook groups or other online resources with used decor. You can get all kinds of bridal goodies that would cost you a whole lot more purchasing them new!

Book your photographer and videographer EARLY

Of course I have to mention this but it’s honestly for the best! Photographers/vidographers really do get booked up far in advance – sometimes as early as 2 years before the wedding (it’s rare but it happens!). Especially if you know you want to work with a specific vendor – make sure you reach out to them as soon as you settle on a date or have picked your venue!

Hire a wedding planner

Sometimes people wonder if hiring a wedding planner is really worth it or not. Or, they assume they can do it all themselves. And while it’s true that you probably could get by doing it on your own – trust me when I say it’s going to save you a LOT of stress, worry, energy, and time hiring this out to a professional. You’re more likely to not only enjoy the planning process but also the day of your wedding, as well. It is so worth the investment and is a decision you won’t regret!

Be selective with your wedding party

I say this while trying to be sensitive, but it’s important to hear. You don’t have to feel pressured into asking any specific person to be in your bridal party. Don’t forget, this really is YOUR day. You’re going to want (and need) people in your bridal party to be supportive and there for YOU. You don’t need drama on your wedding day, trust me. So if there is any one you think might add stress to the day instead of helping to take away stress, then decide not to include them in your party and move on!


Once again, I hope you LOVE being a fiance(e) and enjoy the process. Happy planning!


If you liked this blog post, be sure to check out my other Advice For Brides posts like What to Wear to Your Engagement Session.

Danielle Durbin Film & Photo

Danielle is a Pittsburgh wedding photographer and videographer. You can follow her on Instagram here or on Facebook here. 

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