the blog

"You are my love story, and I write you into everything I do, everything I see, everything I touch and everything I dream,
You are the words that fill my pages..."

Isnt Ely just the cutest? This little girl was just a wonderful bundle of joy when we starting this wonderful session at Thornburg Park. Check out some of my favorites from  this beautiful family session.    

The Arbuckle Family Session, Thornburg Park

September 21, 2017

I can still remember the first time I held Lilly in my arms! Only a few weeks old, she had these beautiful blue eyes that made my heart melt. Lilly’s mother Tiffany and I have been friends since we were kids. Its incredible watching Lilly grow up  and she reminds me so much of her mom […]

Lilly’s 6th Birthday/ Family Session, Thornburg Park

August 6, 2017