The Bray Family have a special place in my heart. I only known them for 4 years, yet I feel like they are part of my family. This family is a prime example of how love can conquer all obstacles. My favorites from this wonderful session with Colleen Bray and her amazing family. These 3 remind […]
Isnt Ely just the cutest? This little girl was just a wonderful bundle of joy when we starting this wonderful session at Thornburg Park. Check out some of my favorites from this beautiful family session.
Lilliana is getting SOO BIG!! It has been 3 months since her last shoot and Lilliana has changed so much! She is able to hold herself up, and she is in the starting stages of trying to crawl. She was definitely moving at this session. It was starting to get hard to keep her attention, she was […]
Evelyn Rose. Isn’t that a beautiful name? I happen to think its a gorgeous name!!! My dear friend Hannah is expecting a baby girl! Hannah and Josh are both so excited to be getting a little girl! I got the wonderful chance to visit them in Michigan this past weekend and we visited a nearby park […]
I can still remember the first time I held Lilly in my arms! Only a few weeks old, she had these beautiful blue eyes that made my heart melt. Lilly’s mother Tiffany and I have been friends since we were kids. Its incredible watching Lilly grow up and she reminds me so much of her mom […]
These two sisters are just the cutest!! We have done pictures for Krista and her little ones before. We have done Harley’s Maternity session & her 3 months old pictures. Now it was time to get Harley with her big sister, Riley. Riley was such a great big sister, she tried helping us getting Harley to smile […]
This was an awesome mini session where we caught the love of a dynasty. This two wonderful grandparents had 3 beautiful daughters who had children themselves. 10 grandchildren in all, but before the session was over, they announced that 1 more was on the way!!! “Grandchildren fill the space in your heart that you never […]
I was really looking forward to our family session with the Castro’s for sometime, especially since Lennie had let me in on her her little secret! Lennie had come to me before the session and filled me in on a big surprise for her husband Sal, she was having another baby!!! She was intending on telling him […]
We had an great time with the Bodo Family session. Christina Bodo had been one of our finalists in our photo session giveaway and we are glad she was. She was such an excited winner and was eager to plan our session. When it came to the day of, the lighting was just perfect the whole […]
It was great to finally meet Lilliana in person for her 3 month photo session. Lilliana’s smile and blue eyes melted my heart! When we had gotten there, she had just woken up from a nap and not necessarily feeling the shoot at first. Much to our surprise, the remaining of the time we were there […]