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My 30th Birthday | Thoughts on a New Decade

My 30th Birthday | Thoughts on a New Decade

To be honest, I have always hated my birthday, even when I was very young. I remember crying when I was 5 years old because I didn’t want to get old. 
Growing up with older parents, you see life differently. Life becomes more brittle. When I was younger, the concept of time was something that was more evident to me than most of my friends around me. 
Despite all that, I would dare to say, that it has made me more appreciative of the seasons in my life than most. But it has also made me more fearful of aging and gave me a deep fear of missing out. As dark as this may sound, this is one of my “Whys” for my business.  Our seasons in life are so precious, but without photos, they can easily be looked over and forgotten.

Embracing turning 30

Today I turn 30. Normally, I would hide away in my emotions. But I decided to express those emotions and capture them.  I would celebrate this new season in my life, and let go of the past. 
This shoot was the best gift I could have given myself. It was so incredibly empowering, and gave me an outlet that I deeply needed. I had two shoots this day: one pink and bright to welcome in the 30’s  and one dark and sexy to say goodbye to the 20s. 
Not only was it just a blast to play around and just get all dolled up, it gave me closure I needed on the last decade of my life. 

Lessons learned

Looking back, my 20’s were full of life’s biggest lessons. I realized a few things:
Who I truly was, and not what I had previously pretended to be. 
I had found confidence in my 20s that I never had when I was younger. 
There was within myself a work ethic that I never knew I had. 
I am stronger than I ever thought possible. 
The most amazing discovery that the only person that I need to impress is …. myself. 


Making dreams happen

When speaking to my husband’s grandmother the other day, she said to me, “Danielle, you are going to love your 30’s!!” 
I looked at her, laughed, and said, “Oh yeah, why?”
She said, “Your 20’s are for dreaming, and your 30’s are for making those dreams happen. ” 
And right then and there, I wasn’t scared anymore.
I knew she was right. I would make the next 10 years worth it; they’ll be the years I make my dreams come true. 
 I’ll get back to you on what she says about your 40’s 😉



Amazing vendors who contributed to this shoot:

Photos taken by : Chelsey Lynn Photography 
Studio: Studio 618
Pink Thirty Cake: Signature Desserts
Grey RIP Cake: Bethel Bakery 
Cake Toppers: Esty
Assistant: Kayla Free
  1. This is honestly my favourite post of the month! Definitely the most creative way I’ve seen to welcome in a new decade. LOVE IT!

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